Repairs Tube Amp Repair Shop offers repairs for a wide variety of guitar and musical instrument amplifiers.

Fender Hotrod Deville and Deluxe benefit from upgraded F&T filter capacitors and the reverb mod.

Bring your Fender Hotrod amp to Tube Amp Repair Shop for the reverb mod and upgraded power suolly capacitors.

Tube stereo equipment.

Tube amp repair shop offers a free inspection for stereo tube preamps. Receivers and power amps.

We can offer repairs and service for stereo tube preamp, preamplifiers and stereo tube amplifiers.

If your tube stereo equipment needs service call at 818 645-1075.

1977 Mesa Boogie Mach 1 amplifier on the bench for refurbish and repair.

This vintage tube amplifier will need new filter capacitors and potentiometers cleaning.  We will clean all the tube sockets and retention the socket receptacles to make the best contact with the tube pins.

Vintage Fender amplifiers repaired.
Tweed Fender Amplifiers.
Brownface Fender Amplifiers
Silver Face Fender Amplifiers
Blackface Fender Amplifiers

Twin Reverb
Super Reverb
Deluxe Reverb
Princeton Reverb
Dual showman Reverb
Bandmaster Reverb

All models of Fender amps

Fender amp vacuum tube



Vintage Marshall amplifiers repaired.